Toro Irrigation Australia

Toro Irrigation Australia
53 Howards Road
Beverley, SA 5009

Waterbird Olive Sprinkler

Designed specifically to meet the needs of the olive industry, the Waterbird Olive Sprinkler, engineered and manufactured in Australia, provides improved water application for under tree irrigation. The highly visible coloured stake provides easy identification and reduces the chance of mechanical damage. Self cleaning pressure compensating mechanism provides unifrom flow for undulating terrain.

As Australia is adaptive to the diversity of the land, so is Toro. With products including Australian made drip tube and pressure compensated tape, through to controllers, mini sprinklers, valves, filtration, trenchers and mowers Toro helps growers to maintain healthy crops – whether it’s row crops, field crops, or permanent orchards and vineyards.

New South Wales
20-21 Sleigh Place
Wetherill Park NSW 2164
t : 02 8787 4100

Unit 1/13 Downard Street
Braeside VIC 3195
t 03 9580 7355

Western Australia
3/21 Ledgar Road
Balcatta WA 6021
t 08 9240 4188

10 Buchanan Road
Banyo QLD 4014
t : 07 3292 4888

Toro Irrigation Australia
Ken Woods
53 Howards Road
Beverley SA 5009

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