SBH Solutions ~ Logistics and Storage Containers

SBH Solutions
3 Ballantyne Street
Magill, SA 5072

Folding logistics and storage containers and bins make perfect sense. They provide an opportunity to save space and transport costs. SBH Solutions provides the market with high quality options including readily available product such as the Contrak plastic folding bin and the double footprint WOCMH3 steel mesh logistics cage, but also designs or sources specific products for a range of customers with very individual needs. The common element in everything we design is that containers or bins fold.

Contrak Plastic Folding Bin
is the premier 0.753m capacity produce and storage pallet footprint container. Designed to interstack with other rigid Australian footprint bins, it is manufactured in China with German virgin HDPE resin to offer strength to go with its many features such as two fold down doors and a variety of identification options. It is available with either vented or unvented sides, and an optional lid.

WOCMH3 Double Footprint Pallet Container
is a cost effective all-metal logistics container with the option of mesh sides or sheet steel sides. A fold door door is standard on one long side, while an optional extra 270° door can be added to one of the narrow ends.

In addition, we are able to design and manufacture, or source, any number of similar style units to best meet the needs of our customers. These can range from specific stillages to carry and protect parts, to bespoke containers to fit particular dimensional requirements.
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SBH Solutions
Nigel Smalls
3 Ballantyne Street
Magill SA 5072
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SBH Solutions is an Australian company that started out as a specialist in finding economical solutions for semi-bulk handling, both in storage and transportation situations. Over time the focus has broadened to include other areas where economical solutions can be applied to the benefit of our customers’ bottom-line profit.

With this in mind, we now bring to market products that offer energy and resource efficiency as well as cost effectiveness. Our main semi-bulk handling products are multi-reusable and fold down to save on transport costs and storage costs. In addition, we have developed relationships with global partners known for their excellence in product quality and service to offer a larger variety of container options and accessories to cater for varied customer needs. We can also custom design and build solutions for dry goods, liquid and logistics applications where this is required.

SBH Solutions has for years also offered industrial heating equipment for Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC), other semi-bulk containers, cylinders and drums. Our partnership with LMK Thermosafe is about reducing the energy required to warm or heat product, whether this be in a normal or a hazardous environment. Apart from heating for standard products, a robust design methodology allows us quickly to develop heating solutions that are unique and bespoke, with a number of heating applications like these now in Australia and South East Asia.

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