Pestech Australia

Pestech Australia Pty Ltd
14 Ivan Street Unit 7
Arundel, QLD 4214

Natural Pyrethrum
~ kills on contact - the pest dies within minutes
~ 1 day withholding period
~ there is no insect resistance
~ mammals cannot develop chronic poisoning

Pestech Products Control
~ pests of fruit and vegetable crops, cut flowers and ornamental plants
~ stored food pests in food handling and processing premises
~ flying and crawling pests, indoors and outdoors

Range of Products
~ PyBo Natural Pyrethrum Insecticidal Concentrate for pests on plants
~ Picket Natural Pyrethrum Insecticidal Concentrate for stored food pests
~ Drift Ready-to-use Industrial & Domestic Insecticide for fogging or misting

Pestech Australia Pty Ltd
Ion Staunton
14 Ivan St Unit 7
Arundel QLD 4214
Pestech Australia Pty Ltd Ion Staunton
Pestech is an Australian owned company manufacturing and marketing high quality natural pyrethrum products.

The owner, Ion Staunton is an Entomologist and the author of Urban Pest Management in Australia.

He is a specialist on the pests of homes and industries, the pests of fruit and vegetable crops and the pests of stored foods.

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