Novasys Group

Novasys Group
Factory 3, 14 Stephenson Road
Bayswater North, VIC 3153

Analytical laboratory equipment, measurement instruments and testing equipment which provide quantifiable cost savings and productivity increases.
Novasys Group
Customer Service
Factory 3, 14 Stephenson Road
Bayswater North VIC 3153
Novasys Group Pty Ltd is a leading instrument and machine supplier to the Food, Wine, Olive, Paint, Print, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Chemical, Paper, Water, Environmental and Analytical and Laboratory Industries.

Products and services marketed and supported by Novasys Group are used widely for quantitative and qualitative quality assurance, resource recovery and process control.

These include colour quality control and appearance assessment instruments (HunterLab), glossmeters (Sheen), colourant and chemical dispensers (Vale-Tech Ltd), weighing balances and scales (A&D Corporation), microscopes (Motic), solar powered water and wastewater circulation systems (SolarBee Inc), print and ink testing instruments (Testprint), water quality test kits (DelAgua) and a huge range of standard substrates (Leneta).

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