MAIT Industries - Irrigation Control Solutions

MAIT Industries - Irrigation Control Solutions
4/97-101 Bayfield Road East
Bayswater, VIC 3153

MAIT designs, installs and maintains soil moisture, environmental monitoring and irrigation control systems for the agricultural industry.

Becoming more efficient with your water management is not only about saving water. Applying the correct amount of water at the correct time increases crop quality and yield potential, reduces leaching of fertilisers, reduces crop stress and susceptibility to disease and pests and increases the long term sustainability and profitability of your enterprise.

At MAIT we design monitoring and control systems for a variety of applications. Whether you have a farm, Irrigation management technology Irrigation agronomyorchard, olive grove or vineyard, we have a reliable solution that will work for you. No one size-fits-all. At MAIT we know you want a system that will suit your situation as well as your budget - and a system that works.

We draw on years of experience in working with a wide range of sensors as applied to crops, olive groves, turf, trees, waste water and water infrastructure.

iNTELLiTROL®, a MAIT-designed system, installed in many sites across Australia, that allows you to combine different components and to Irrigation management technology Irrigation agronomyexpand your system as your business grows.

AquaCheck® offers a multi-depth, sub surface profiling capacitance probe that measures soil moisture and soil temperature from up to 6 depths (depending on the length of the probe).

Data collection is dependent on a compatible external logger or remote transmission unit.Probes are available in either SDI-12 or MODBUS configurations.
MAIT Industries - Irrigation Control Solutions
Customer Service
26/26 Burgess Rd
Bayswater VIC 3153
MAIT designs, installs and maintains soil moisture, environmental monitoring and irrigation control systems for the agricultural industry.

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