Food Innovation Australia Ltd ~ FIAL

Food Innovation Australia Ltd ~ FIAL
Technology Enterprise Centre, La Trobe University Research Avenue
Bundoora, VIC 3086


FIAL was established to strengthen commercially driven collaboration and innovation in the Australian food and beverage industry. We are industry led and take a collective approach to ensure productivity, profitability and resilience in our food and beverage sector.

We work with the food and agribusiness industry by sharing knowledge, building capability and creating connections.

Our events focus on giving businesses practical skills to help them grow.

We work on a national level to create new information, tools and connections by leveraging existing information, research and other capabilities and resources across the country to enable organisations to invest, innovate and grow.

As a government-funded initiative, FIAL’s focus is on new opportunities that centre on building the resilience of the industry and our comparative advantage in niche targeted markets overseas.

We liaise with stakeholders across the value chain from agribusinesses to research organisations, universities, associations, networks and private enterprise to collectively grow a sustainable industry.

By working together, we have the opportunity to create an environment that encourages risk taking and creativity in market-insight driven new products and services to improve business viability and ultimately increase Australian jobs.

Are you looking to grow your business? Considering launching into other markets?

The online portal consolidates information from a number of sources to produce insights to support businesses interested in entering new markets.

The MII portal includes 300+ reports, focusing on 38 product categories (using ANZSIC codes) across eight key Asian markets. The reports are easy to access and digest, better yet, they are free. Each MII report includes real time data, market and product insights, consumer trend analysis and market comparisons.

Australian Food & Agribusiness Directory
This online directory allows individuals to use one source to find potential partners, suppliers, and distributors across the food and agribusiness industry.

FIAL, AIFST and AIP in collaboration with Data61 have created this easy-to-use directory and searchable map of Australia that will help businesses connect with other stakeholders from across the entire industry value chain.

This tool makes it easier than ever for businesses to find each other to innovate, collaborate and grow the share of Australian food in the global marketplace
Food Innovation Australia Ltd ~ FIAL
Rod Arenas
Suit 6, Building 2, Technology Enterprise Centre La Trobe University, 2 Research Avenue
Bundoora VIC 3086
FIAL collaborates with industry to grow the share of Australian food in the global marketplace.

We work with the food and agribusiness industry by sharing knowledge, building capability and creating connections.

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