DPI AgEnviro Labs Olive Oil Testing Service

DPI AgEnviro Labs
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute Pine Gully Road
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

The NSW Department of Primary Industries AgEnviro Labs Olive Oil Testing Service based in Wagga Wagga NSW, offers a comprehensive service for the analysis of olive oil for growers, processors, producers, marketers and retailers.

The AgEnviro Labs are accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), the International Olive Council (IOC) and the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS).

The Labs Olive Oil Testing Service is qualified to classify and provide analyses of extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil quality and authenticity against the IOC Standard and the Australian Standard AS5264-2011, and to determine if products meet export standards.

Analyses include near infrared (NIR), oil quality and adulteration testing, nutritional information and shelf-life prediction.

DPI AgEnviro Labs
Belinda Taylor
Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute Pine Gully Road
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
DPI AgEnviro Labs Belinda Taylor
The NSW Department of Primary Industries AgEnviro Labs Olive Oil Testing Service based in Wagga Wagga NSW, offers a comprehensive service for the analysis of olive oil for growers, processors, producers, marketers and retailers.

. Independent
. IOC and AOCS Recognised
. NATA Accredited
. Quality Assured data

8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday

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