Byford Fluid Solutions

Trojan Fluid Solutions
Moama Business Park Cobb Highway
Moama, NSW 2731

The major supplier for Byford Fluid Solutions is Trelleborg, who, with manufacturing plants spread all over the world are specialist in supply of all manner of rubber and engineered products. Byford Fluid Solutions is the distribution agent for Trelleborg food grade hose in Australasia.

We also have products such as manway rubbers and our stainless steel components and handling solutions are sourced from reputable manufacturers both local and offshore.

Trojan Fluid Solutions has the most advanced hygienic swaging system available. This system is designed exclusively for Trelleborg food grade hoses. Using our 200mm capable Techmaflex swaging machine we are able to offer food grade assemblies from 13mm through to 150mm.

We also use a variable speed drive for the welding of our assemblies so to keep a constant hygienic standard when welding different fittings to our hosetails. This ensures with the use of qualified and specialist trades people that the highest standard food grade purge weld is achieved every time.
Byford Fluid Solutions
Head Office
Moama Business Park Cobb Highway
Moama NSW 2731
Byford Fluid Solutions offers new and innovative fluid solutions with expert backup and exceptional products from Trelleborg.

With the help of Trelleborg we have become the food grade experts able to offer the right solution for the right application. Able to swage (crimp) hygienically, up to 200mm hose has enabled us to offer the full range of products to the Food and Beverage, Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries.

Our hose assemblies are assembled here on site to the highest standard. We meet and exceed international standards of hygiene.

Coupled with the pledge of continuous improvement of our knowledge and processes we aim to provide expert advice and solutions.

Over the past 14 years we have grown to include a spare parts inventory for food and associated industries.

We also supply a range of seals and food grade silicon, all of the highest standard to compliment our hoses.

We have gained knowledge in this field through visiting and discussing requirements with all manner of industries.

Our aim is to offer the best stainless steel components, handling solutions, as well as rubber and silicon products.

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