Australis Plants

Australis Plants
7 DeGruchy Ct
Highfields, QLD 4352


All olive varieties are propagated from mature motherstock trees that have been verified as true to type using DNA or morphological techniques.

We have in our olive nursery, a motherstock collection of over 60 varieties of olive trees that have being collected over the past 30 years. This collection represents some of the most productive oil and table varieties that have been imported into Australia from Spain, Italy, Greece, USA, Israel, France, the former Yugoslavia, North Africa, Tunisia and Chile.

All Australis Plants olive trees are produced under the highest standards of nursery hygiene and horticultural practice to ensure that each tree dispatched is of the highest quality.

Australis Plants have undertaken extensive olive variety research in Australia in association with Olives Australia and the Rural Industries Development Corporation.

We also offer qualified horticultural advice is available on varietal selection, plant nutrition and pest and disease management.
Australis Plants
Greg O’Sullivan
7 DeGruchy Ct
Highfields QLD 4352
Australis Plants Greg O’Sullivan
Australis Plants is a specialist olive nursery producing the largest range of olive varieties and tree sizes in Australia. All olive varieties are propagated from mature motherstock trees that have been verified as true to type using DNA or morphological techniques.

We have in our olive nursery, a motherstock collection of over 60 varieties of olive trees that have being collected over the past 30 years.

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