APAL Laboratory

APAL Laboratory
489 The Parade
Magill, SA 5072

APAL offers a wide range of soil, plant and water analyses, based on appropriate analytical methods and calibration research to meet your needs :-

Comprehensive and accurate soil analysis is vital for understanding your soil. Our ASPAC accredited, detailed analysis will form the basis for specific soil fertility programs tailored to fit your production targets.

An indicator of plant health and the availability of nutrients for uptake through the roots and leaves. Used correctly, it is a highly cost effective and strategic monitoring tool for maintaining plant health and maximising production. ASPAC Accredited.

What is the quality of the water you are using? Chemical analysis of water samples will determine its suitability for agriculture or domestic uses.

Diagnose soil fertility, improve production

Plant nutrient status reveals keys to productivity

Fully independent, trustworthy experience

Hands-on practical experience of Australian conditions

Do you know precisely what's in your water supply?

Apal helps clients to make informed decisions and achieve:-

. Healthy balanced soils, plants, produce.
. Deliver cost effective, profitable outcomes.
. Be environmentally responsible.

APAL Laboratory
Phil Barnett
489 The Parade
Magill SA 5072
APAL Laboratory provides quality, independent soil testing and plant tissue testing services for all agricultural and horticultural industries.

Albrecht soil analysis is based on worldwide research into the most productive soils. It aims to achieve the optimum balance of nutrients in your soils and crops while creating a biologically active, sustainable system.

Pro Ag Consulting offers a unique, independent soil testing and assessment service that is able to quickly identify limitations and rectify them with practical, cost effective programs.

The aim of the programs is to build healthy, biologically active soils for long term sustainable production by supplying balanced nutrition, creating good soil structure and supporting microbial activity. These soils are then able to support high yielding, disease resistant plants producing top quality, fruits grains and herbage.

Good soil management is also the key to water use efficiency because well structured soil has higher infiltration rates and absorbs more water from rainfall or irrigation; can store more water in its pore spaces, and loses less water through evaporation in hot weather.

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