Mapleton AgriBiotec

Mapleton AgriBiotec
137 Obi Obi Road
Mapleton, QLD 4560

Mapleton AgriBiotec Pty Ltd is an Australian company committed to developing and supplying products that enhance crop growth, health and profitability.

Our focus is on products that use biological organisms or natural products to enhance the nutritional status and vigour of crops in conventional, biological and organic systems.

NitroGuard Defender
Catapult SuperFine

Products that we are distributing or developing all have this set of objectives:-

-Increase yields - farmers are under pressure to produce more from less land;

Increase nutrient status of crops to allow reduced applications of key nutrients and/or higher yields - our current main nutrient targets are nitrogen and phosphorous;

Increase profits - decreased fertiliser rates, or higher yields, equals higher profits;

Reduce the impact of farming on the environment - soils, long term farm productivity, and waterways and oceans all benefit from our products.

Our lead product, TwinN, is a breakthrough source of nitrogen that is applicable to broad acre crop production systems, organic agriculture and small scale producers.
Mapleton AgriBiotec
Graham Golding
137 Obi Obi Road
Mapleton QLD 4560
Mapleton AgriBiotec Pty Ltd is committed to developing and supplying products that enhance crop growth, health and profitability.

Our lead product, TwinN, is a breakthrough source of nitrogen that is applicable to broad acre crop production systems, organic agriculture and small scale producers.

Our Company has developed TwinN, after extended research, into a high quality, freeze dried microbial inoculum that provides a solution to the increasing pressures of rising fertiliser costs and needs for increased yields. TwinN also enables producers to conveniently address environmental concerns over carbon footprints and leaching of nitrates into aquifers.

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