Eagle Eye Bird Control

Eagle Eye Bird Control
Unit 5, 74 - 76 Oak Road
Kirrawee, NSW 2232

The Eagle Eye is an optical bird scarer that harmlessly deters birds from unwanted areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight or artificial light.

The reflective pyramid rotates via an electric motor, sending the beams around in a menacing pattern. The light spectrum reflected back by the Eagle Eye disorients birds in flight by limiting their vision significantly. This causes the bird to deviate in flight and fly to another destination.

For horticultural crops, kits are available and can be self-installed by growers in order to deter damaging pest birds. We offer a free orchard plan to accompany the units to ensure correct placement, number of units and configurations are achieved. You can email or fax your orchard layout, outlining the following:

Type and height of crop
Location (an address allows us to view the orchard on GoogleTM Earth)
Species of pest birds
True north
Orchard dimensions
Inter-row spacing
Location of windbreaks or large trees within the orchard
Current bird disturbance or devices in place
Any additional comments to assist

The system has been extensively tested and used on hundreds of locations in Australia as well as Internationally.

The species of pest birds now being deterred by Eagle Eye in Australia is extensive.

The Eagle Eye™ is complementary to the full range of products and techniques used by bird control experts to relocate birds from infested areas. Correct placing and Installation is relatively easy. The Eagle Eye™ optical device has proven to be effective for the control and management of birds in a variety of applications.
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